To provide a comfortable and safe space where people of all ages and backgrounds can empower themselves by exploring their imaginations and fostering their creativity through the process of producing art.
To cultivate imaginative thinkers who will confidently carry their creativity into every aspect of life, helping the community bridge cultural divides and grow into a more unified, culturally rich environment.
Ooze Studio is a community-driven art studio oozing inspiration and contagious creativity. At Ooze we understand the fragility of a child’s / teen’s expressiveness. When strict parameters or emphasis on technical perfection is the focus, their natural creativity can easily turn into conformity. We prefer to open their minds and empower our Oozers to connect with themselves through their own process, using their imaginations to lift their creativity to new heights and build humble confidence within.
Ooze Studio was built with diversity in mind. Our creativity is what makes us unique humans and we teach that inspiration comes from connecting with others and learning from anyone. We empower everyone to find their signature style and be secure with sharing their expressions their way. At Ooze we honor the collective and cherish the individual.
No matter the race, gender, age, religion, identity, neurodevelopment and experience we welcome all to help fuel the Ooze Studio Vision above to “...grow into a more unified, culturally rich environment.”
1 Cultivate creative minds, not technical artists
2 Be open-minded
3 Learn something from everyone
4 There is always work to do
5 Fun is productive
6 Lead don’t demand (artful prompts are okay, but overly directorial teaching is not)
7 Treat everyone with respect, equally
8 Listen, then suggest
9 Be hospitable and kind, making everyone feel at home; serve your community well
10 Get excited about creativity! It's contagious!
11 There are no mistakes in art – quiet the inner critic
12 Find value in yourself and others
13 No thing or idea is unique, but every person is
14 Always credit the artist we are inspired by
15 Earn trust of others by having compassion and integrity

Ooze Studio is a community-driven art studio oozing inspiration for cultivating contagious creativity.
Creativity is different for everyone but by tapping into the process of achieving self-awareness, (acquiring insights into your own character, feelings, perceptions and how you are affected by your surroundings) you can involve as much of that, or as little as, you want to allow in your art.
Our comfort zone, helps you grow your comfort zone, allowing for the uncomfortable and ambiguous to no longer be a hurdle.
We offer a hospitable environment for people to explore their imaginations through the process of making art, quieting their inner critic and learning that their creativity is limitless.
We want to help each person from ages 4 -104 ENHANCE THEIR LIFE, grow, or build confidence and self-awareness through an ease of access to art and
creative inspiration.
Creativity is not just about lesson plans and technique. It’s not all about the color wheel and 7 principles of Art. It’s about creativity!
"Creativity is a feeling, It’s about working through play and exploration in order to find a solution. It's teaching that creativity is in YOU not in what you learn. Every subject in academia can be taught, but it’s creativity that helps you imagine your own ideas in those subjects."
- Mia Temple
We build self-confidence by allowing Oozers to research and problem solve on their own, and even putting their work on display in public view. Seeing their work on display puts it into a different light. Good or bad, we find happiness with ourselves by simply accomplishing something.
There are four key responsibilities we have when it comes to sharing and exploring our art and creativity:
to inspire
to help members face uncertainty head on
to provide tools for the creation of ideas and solutions (not feed you ideas)
to teach creativity is an innate part of everyone, and it can be limitless!

2 years Head of Art Program
and PTC Vice President,
16 years Creative Direction
26+ years Graphic Design
10 years Social Media for Business
9 years Event Coordination/Direction
8+ years Advertising & Public Relations
15+ years Fashion Retail/Merch/Design
Hey Oozers!
My name is Mia, and I decided to open Ooze Studio after owning a Graphic Design & Marketing company, working in event and tech and most recently volunteering as head of the art docent program at my children's last elementary school.
I've been immersed in art since I can remember. I come from an artsy family, including painters, musicians, writers and photographers, so I’ve always had the wonderful support of allowing creativity to be instilled in me and all I do. Even at a young age, I noticed how much good this did for people.
No matter where I live, or who I meet, the arts are always a healthy outlet.
I have found through first-hand experience the arts were a highly effective way of coping with the scary moments. Creative expression helps pull you out of issues like domestic violence, trauma, gangs and drug abuse; it bridges cultural divides and builds mental stamina. A creative vibe is infectious and a way a better addiction than drugs, a better outlet than violence and an excellent excuse for removing yourself from bad environments. "Nah man, I have to get my art on...." - a phrase that seems to be openly accepted in all circles.
Professionally, every role I had was bettered by having a creative mindset. Using creativity to find solutions for myself, my clients, for working as a team and even how to deal with competitors was crucial to my career success.
Creativity and imagination are part of what makes us human and they are intuitive necessities that I feel wholeheartedly should be cultivated in everyone. When you boost your own creativity, you take that into the community and use it as a way to positively connect with yourself and others.
I'm opening Ooze Studio to act as a safe space for the community to be free to ooze creativity and inspiration. Ooze will be a non-judgmental, non-directorial platform for fostering the good that creativity brings to us all, individually and as a whole... and allowing that creative goodness to be contagious.
Mia (she/her)